Consent Preferences

Accounting, Finance & Governance Review

Accounting, Finance & Governance Review

The Accounting Finance and Governance Review, (formerly the Irish Accounting Review: ISSN 0791-9638) is the official journal of the Irish Accounting and Finance Association (the premier association of Accounting and Finance academics at higher education establishments in Ireland) has been published since 1994. In addition to its unique Irish emphasis, it has always had a significant international focus, in both its editorial board and in the source of papers it has published. This is reflected in the name change, and change in editorial policy, in 2013, which sought to signal its focus more clearly. The journal is dedicated to publishing high-quality original scholarly work in accounting, finance and governance (which reflects the focus of the scholarly interest and research activity of its readers). The vast majority of papers published reflect the use of international data and focus on issues of wide significance, and the authors (and editorial board members) are drawn from a broad intercontinental academic community. The journal uses rigorous standards of peer review, utilising well-established academics as reviewers and as members of its editorial board.

Editorial Policy

The Accounting, Finance & Governance Review is dedicated to publishing high-quality original scholarly work in accounting, finance and governance. It is eclectic and pluralistic. Papers in all categories of scholarly activity will be considered, including (but not limited to) reports on empirical research, analytical papers, review articles, papers dealing with pedagogical issues and critical essays. Possible topics include: financial accounting; management accounting; finance; financial management; capital markets research; governance; performance management; auditing; taxation; public and not-for-profit sector accounting; social and environmental accounting; accounting education; and accounting history. The journal encourages critical assessment of current practice, investigations of the impact of accounting, finance and governance on the socio-economic and political environment and analysis of the implications of policy alternatives. Papers drawing on evidence from specific national settings or wider comparative international settings are welcome.

All submissions that pass an initial editorial scrutiny will be subject to double-blind refereeing. Referees will be asked to assess papers on the basis of their relevance, originality, readability and quality (including, for empirical work, research design and execution).

All submissions to the Accounting, Finance & Governance Review should be made via Scholastica –


Philip O’Regan
Department of Accounting,
University of Limerick,

Breda Sweeney
Discipline of Accountancy & Finance,
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics,
NUI Galway,

Sheila O’Donohoe
Department of Accounting and Economics, School of Business
Waterford Institute of Technology,

Assistant Editor:

Michael Farrell
Accounting and Finance,
University College Cork

For more information on AFGR please see

Funding Partners

We are very proud to have supportive funding partners which include: